About us


What is CARE?

​CARE’s Goal: Paving the Way for the Meaningful Inclusion of AANHPI in Clinical and Caregiving Research Across the Lifespan

To address the gap and reduce disparities in research participation among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) through the creation of a registry of AANHPI who are interested in participating in various types of research such as Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD), aging, and caregiving related research that affects our health across the lifespan.

Why is CARE important?

Research participation from Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) is limited and the sparse research suggests that AANHPI are interested in being engaged, but that various concerns, such as lack of cultural and linguistic information and mistrust, need to be addressed in order to improve participation in research, including clinical trials participation.

​Currently, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders are among the least represented groups in scientific research. A recent study published in JAMA Network Open shows that clinical research projects focusing on AANHPI participants account for less than 1% of research supported by the National Institute of Health! This is concerning because AANHPI are the fastest growing racial population in the U.S., yet they experience significant health disparities.

​To overcome these barriers to clinical research participation, CARE will implement culturally appropriate and innovative recruitment strategies with our community partners across several major areas in the state of California to enroll 10,000 AANHPI into a research registry. Our goal is to address the gap and reduce disparities in research participation among AANHPI. We aim to give AANHPI a voice and the opportunity to participate in such future research through enrollment in the CARE registry.

Meet our team

Meet our Community Advisory Board

CARE includes a community advisory board (CAB) that comprises of diverse and reputable members who work with diverse Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in California. CAB's roles and responsibilities include helping to ensure that the outreach and conduct of CARE adheres to the principles of cultural humility and appropriateness, provide overall guidance and feedback about the development of the CARE registry including creating ethical guidelines for research participation, and provide perspectives and suggestions on community engagement.