Andree Guo's Story
Alzheimer's Disease does not announce its arrival but develops gradually in life:
A Chinese daughter's caregiving journey with her mother
*Audio clips are in Mandarin Chinese
My English name is Andree Guo. I came from Shanghai and have been living with my mom since then.I came here in 1990 and have been living with my mom for many years. Around 2000, I noticed that my mom’s behavior and speech were a little weird, different from before. At that time, I didn't know about Alzheimer's disease, so I asked some friends. Some of them were doctors. They told me to pay attention to my mom and spend more time by her side. At that time, my mother had just retired, and in 2002 we felt that we should consult a doctor. It happened that my mom’s family doctor, Dr. Liao, was a geriatric specialist. He was familiar with these diseases. He said because of my poor health—I had high blood pressure and severe rheumatoid arthritis, my blood sugar level was high, both my knees were deformed resulting in walking difficulty, and my husband has heart disease and high blood pressure–it was really inconvenient for people like us to take care of the elderly. Actually, my daughter was there with us, he told my daughter to pay more attention to my health. The doctor later recommended us to enroll my mother at the senior day care center. He said that we don’t have to worry when we will be at work during the day. During the day, my mother went to the day care center, and the doctor also did an evaluation with me during the visit, and found that I had depression. Because I have been worrying. In 2002, the Bay Area was experiencing economy downturn, my husband returned to Shanghai to find a job, I was here taking care of my mother all by myself. I was really stressful.
Every day when I was driving, I would contemplate if I died in a car accident on the freeway, everything would come to an end, and I wouldn’t have to worry about any trouble anymore. When I was at work, I couldn’t help but tears streamed down, and my colleagues cared about me a lot. Later they said to me, “Tell us something about what happened between you and your mom when you come to work every day, you will be relieved when you share your heart.” It was around this time I met Peining Chang (Alzheimer’s Association) at the day care center. Peining conducted classes at the center once every month for the family members, everyone can share how they were inwardly depressed and troubled. With that, I got to know more about Alzheimer's disease. What I learned then was very useful, until 2015, when my mother passed away due to serious illness. The volunteers at the day care center said my mom really loved to go there. Through her learning, some of her behaviors became more rational than before. Later on, she told others, "My daughter is best taking care of me. I like her the most." Hearing that, I was very much consoled. Over there, my mom would paint and play mahjong. Her painting was even auctioned for $240 at an Alzheimer Association event. She was so happy. Since my mom studied in France, and her grandma was French, her French was even better than her English. She also helped interpret when French-speaking people visited the center. When she was at the day care center, I felt like I was a parent of a kindergartener. I was very happy that my mom seemed to be making progress there. My mom was the eldest daughter in her family, so she liked to boss around. She liked to boss around over there, too. My mom knew how to take charge, got them to eat, and woke them up to sing as people dozed off in class. I had so much joy then. I always took my mom to Peining's class, so Peining knew my mother very well.
My mom took a quick turn from seriously ill to passing away. At that time, my husband was suffering from severe heart disease and underwent surgery, thus, I had a heavy load taking care of two persons in that period of time. At that time, my mom was living in an apartment. When another elderly who lived there passed away, my mom felt that it would be her turn soon. I learned that only when the other residents in the apartment told me. Since then, I was prompted to promote these to more people. I felt in the society nowadays, children have no idea their parents would become this way in the future, and people of my age do not expect they might be like this in the future. This disease does not announce its arrival but develops gradually in life. Once diagnosed, one must take medicine. At some point, my mother thought she could manage her medication intake, and she was able to call for refill, only found out later that she hadn't had her medication for a long time already. She was very upset that I checked on her stuff, but when I checked, I said no way, she was very sick, and she would hide food in her clothes, fill the pots with water and lay them all around in the kitchen. After she started her medication, I am not saying her condition improved, but her behavior changed for the better, felt more relaxed, and slept better at night. I think everyone in our society should be aware of this disease, so I took classes at the Alzheimer's Association, and now I am one of the instructors, I also participated in an advocacy activity in Sacramento earlier this year.
During those days, I attended classes with my mom and get to know many members’ family, I also learned a lot. In the meantime, I also had my rheumatoid arthritis surgery, I attended more classes when I got better. Encourage everyone to take classes, they are all online now. Like I learned that during the initial discovery, families with more children sometimes have family disputes, especially some of the siblings live in other states, they would argue over providing care, as if they are evading their responsibility, as a result, there were frequent communication. In addition, the elderly’s appetite might change, or they refused to eat, resulting in malnutrition. It is important to know how to make something that is easier for the elderly to digest.
You know, the elders used to call dementia as mentally deficiency, so many families rejected that and refused to let outsiders know or admit it. They considered that these naturally happen in aging and would not name it a disease. Therefore, it is very difficult to correct the elderly’s mindset, hence, if you want to study, you should solicit help from the young people, or the seniors’ children.
We did apply to the government to have someone go to her home to take care of her breakfast. And I would go to see my mom after work, sometimes I would bring something with me. My mom chose the caregiver herself, they were a couple, they would also take my mom out to eat. During weekends, my sister and I would take my mom home and take care of her. That allowed my mom to interact with others more and to engage in more activities. The doctor suggested to let her participate in some group activities when I am off to work.
Indeed, there are many other challenges in providing care. We have a persimmon tree at our house. My mom would pick the nice and big persimmons and hide them. One day I found out she dumped a bag of clothes in the trash with rotten persimmons inside, because she had forgotten about them. There was also problem with taking medicine. I really had to remind her, otherwise she would hide it, so we have to know the places she likes to hide things. And about the kitchenware, I had to hide the control, because she was forgetful and would leave the stove on. We usually only let her use the microwave.
In 2009, I joined the annual meeting hosted by Peining, and I shared some of my experiences. When it was over, many among the audience came to share with me that they had exactly the same situation in their families, and some even embraced me and cried, and I wanted to cry too. Actually, many stories are very similar. When my mom started to display symptoms, my brother and sister felt that I intentionally exaggerated the severity of my mom's condition. Until my brother took a trip with my mom, my mom didn’t take her medicine for many days. Finally, my brother couldn’t stand it when my mom walked to the middle of the road and stayed there. Even my brother tried to lead her away, she did not move and pinched him with her nails. In fact, this was the onset of the disease, but my brother didn’t know. Later, he realized my mother would get up in the middle of the night and knock on the door, demanding to go back home. That’s because he did not manage her medication well, then he realized I wasn’t talking nonsense, and these things did actually happen.
Many people have not come across this disease, so when I promote activities and courses, many people ask a lot of questions, like did they have to pay for the courses. And the fundraising walk, I participated for several years in a row. I had also done that, wheelchairing her along. Some people are afraid that online registration is complicated, so it would be better to simplify the registration process.
Some elderly people don’t know how to search online, sometimes the Chinese web pages shifted to English as they were browsing, or if there were other issues that would hinder them from finding what they were looking for.
I want to add that my mom was very independent before she got ill. Just think about she came to the US alone, worked here, learned English here, attended tutoring classes, and drove herself. She danced and was very good at it, she did ballroom dance, and sang, knitted sweaters, and painted very well too. She was number one in doing puzzles at the day care center. Although she was sick and forgot some things, she still had a clear and logical mind, and she liked to quarrel with others. She also played mahjong at the day care center, exercising her brain, and engaged in physical exercises too. The volunteers over there once said that they could write a paper about the many changes my mom had over there. Usually my mom would call her friends from home. Later, her friend asked me, "How is your mother?" I said, "Very good!" Her friend said, "Because I haven't heard from her for a long time." Then I observed carefully, and noticed when my mom answered the phone, she could only ask "Haven't seen you in a long time, how are you?" Then she was unable to continue the conversation actively. A few minutes later, she would repeat she hasn’t seen her friend for a long time. Maybe she realized she was not able to carry a conversation, so, eventually, she stopped calling others.
Around 2000, we knew nothing about Alzheimer, thinking that it was natural in aging. In public, when she went grocery shopping, walking along the aisles, she would dance along with the music she heard, and sing along if she knew the lyrics. I was embarrassed as people would stare at me. Later when I connected these incidents, she was probably already getting a little sick at that time, because she was not able to control herself. I was very busy then, and sometimes had to work overtime. When I got home, I couldn’t find where she had put the kitchenware, and the cooking spatula was placed in the shoe box. We would find slippers in the cabinets, and she would take a five-gallon water bucket into her room. My husband purposely posted a note to remind her not to carry water by herself, instead ask for help, it was dangerous. My daughter said, "Grandma, if you carry the water and fall down, we would be busier. I can’t go to school, and mom can’t go to work." Later we posted notes wherever visible to remind her not to cook, or carry water, it’s too hard for her. At that time, my daughter had dried flowers in a vase. My mom didn't know but thought that the flowers were too dry. We didn't know that she had been watering them. One day, I got home from work, flies were everywhere. Later, I cleaned the rooms and tried to find the source and found that they came out of that vase, the bottom of the stems was all rotten. There wasn’t a day we felt relaxed and calm at home, we were very nervous every day. Later, I couldn’t take it anymore. As my mom had Kaiser insurance and she could see a doctor there. The doctor happened to be a geriatric specialist. He said that my mom should not be left alone for too long. Someone must be talking to her, she could go to church, or join a group, and referred us to a Catholic day care center. When I first went there, the day care center did an assessment with me and concluded that I had severe depression. I had a chance to take a break when I sent my mom there, and I need to rest well before I could take care of my mom. My mom spent a very long time there, and I participated in family respite activities. Peining also brought in guest speakers to give seminars and to guide us. I learned how to better take care of my mom. When something happened at home, I would step out the room, take a deep breath, and then I could go back without losing my temper. She was not a child, I could not scold her, more importantly she is my mom. One time, my husband just got home, and my mom stared at him and asked some questions. As he wasn’t feeling well and sat there, I said just leave him alone, my mom lost her temper and said she was an elder, how could I order her around. She then pointed her finger at my husband’s nose. My husband was agitated and stood up. I was anxious and said that they both were sick, they were not to lose temper. I shoveled myself between them and fell, as I had arthritis and couldn’t afford to fall, or I would not be able to stand upright. After I fell, their focus shifted, both of them get me up immediately, and their argument was gone.
My mom was taking her osteoporosis medication, and she needed to take it immediately when she woke up in the morning. Later, I told the doctor I could not give it to her because I had no idea when she would wake up. Sometimes she woke up at 3AM, ate some cookies and went back to sleep, and I wasn’t sure when she would wake up in the morning. Elderly people generally go to bed early, but she did not go to bed very early, and I didn't realize she had irregular bed time until later. We also installed sensors at home, around the corners of the room and by the main door, we could hear the beep-beep, and we could make her go back to her room, that was a preventive measure. Later, my husband felt that I was too stressful, so we had to put her in a senior apartment.
We hired a caregiver to be with her at the senior apartment. She had someone to accompany her from the time she returned to the senior apartment and when she went to bed at night. I would visit her when I got off from work, may brought her food, and I would go home after she went to bed. Sometimes, my husband and I would eat together with her at her senior apartment.
Even when she passed away, my mom didn’t lose her ability to recognize people, so I didn't notice she was in her end stage. Towards the end she had hard time swallowing. She could still recognize people she held dear in her mind, such as her close friends. The staff at the nursing home were very experienced, they asked me to contact my mom’s close friends to go visit her. They were so surprised that my mom could recognize these close friends. Sometimes she was very smart, she would say, “My brain is in bad shape, those computers would be fine after replacing their motherboards, if I could replace my brain, wouldn’t it be well again?” She used to tell me that. Sometimes, she answered this way, it seemed pretty normal.
She was very excited when my friends came. She loved crowds. She would dress up and put on her makeup. She would say, "Haven’t seen you for a long time." But when she went to the room and came out again, she would say, "When did you come? Haven’t seen you for a long time." After she did that three times, they would ask me if my mom was sick. Her hospitability and crowd loving character was there when she moved in the senior apartment. She enjoyed chatting with others there, the receptionist downstairs is a Vietnamese man, my mom would talk to him in French. He said my mom speaks very good French, better than her English.
Since I have older brothers and sisters, we planned to prepare [my mom to move to the nursing home], but the people at the day care center said we don’t have to, because she was able to feed herself, choose her clothes, and she didn’t want people to pick her attires. Towards the end, when she needed to use adult diaper, my sister and I had to make a lot of effort, because she felt that she was still quite normal, but sometimes she would have accidents, so we figured out a way--put pull-up diapers in her closet.