Email: [email protected]
Phone: 408-784-5378
Address: AARP San Jose, 111 W. St. John Street 4th Floor, 410 San Jose, CA 95113
Sophie C. Horiuchi-Forrester
Regional Director | AARP California, San Jose team
Sophie Horiuchi-Forrester is the metro manager, San Jose, for AARP California, leading the San Jose team in expanding AARP’s presence in the Bay Area, with an emphasis in Santa Clara County. Sophie also has statewide matrix responsibility for managing our AAPI strategy. Prior to coming to AARP, Sophie served as the executive director of the Yu-Ai-Kai Senior Service of San Jose, a multi-service, nonprofit senior center located in San Jose’s historic Japantown. Under Sophie’s leadership, the agency opened a second facility, Akiyama Wellness Center, and adopted its first Healthy Aging Initiative. She represented the organization on local and statewide boards. Sophie’s education includes a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in education from UC Berkeley, iSAGE certificate (Successful Aging and End of Life Studies) from Stanford University. She also earned a certificate in marketing from UC Santa Cruz Extension.