Email: [email protected]
Phone: 650-460-9123
Address: 236 West 30th Street, Floor 8, New York, NY 10001
Ryan Kawamoto
Regional Program Manager | Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP
Ryan Kawamoto is the Regional Program Manager for Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP, where he oversees Senior Planet from AARP programming in nine western states. OATS is an award-winning non-profit based out of New York that harnesses the power of technology to change the way we age. OATS aims to empower older adults with the tools and training necessary to take advantage of today’s technology and use it to enrich their lives.
Previously, as Executive Director of Yu-Ai Kai, Ryan streamlined protocols resulting in increased revenue, program attendance, and staff morale, while decreasing expenses. As an author and illustrator, Ryan created his own business, Little Hawk Comics, which published his 372-page graphic novel. His other work includes graphic design work on a health policy presentation for Asian Health Services, a community health center that serves 27,000 patients a year, and as a legislative aide for Majority Leader Wilma Chan and Assembly member Mike Feuer, Ryan analyzed over 3,000 bills and staffed a successful legislative campaign generating $40 billion in Los Angeles County transit funding.
Ryan is currently the Co-President of the Japantown Community Congress of San Jose and serves on the board for the Asian Pacific Youth Leadership Project. He is the former Chair of the Aging Services Collaborative of Santa Clara County, and he also served as the Treasurer for the San Jose Okayama Sister Cities, the third oldest sister city in the country. He holds a Princeton School of Public and International Affairs graduate degree and received training from Harvard Business School's Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management and the Center for Excellence in Nonprofits' Leaders Institute.